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Serial Monitor Serial Data Analysis Monitor Tool Software
serial monitor
Non invasive software serial port sniffer and Windows RS232/RS422/RS485 protocol analyzer.
This software allows you to monitor the data exchanged between devices and applications on serial ports. This program facilitates the development, debugging, and analysis of software and hardware solutions for data exchange using serial communication. It has a complete set of tools that can successfully decode serial protocols and analyze data packets. The various versions of the application include functions for filtering, browsing, searching, recording, and data playback.
The serial monitor not only provides a wide range of visualization tools for popular serial protocols (including PPP, MODBUS, BACnet MSTP) and raw data, but also offers utilities for creating custom visualizers, allowing you to easily parse any data and customize protocols. In addition to the visualizer, the product also includes tools for data export, reproducing data from previously recorded log files, redirecting this data to COM ports, advanced serial port terminals, utilities for sending MODBUS commands, and built-in scripts for tool automation.
This is a complete software COM port analysis and serial data recording solution that allows you to avoid using hardware devices, empty analog cables, additional DB-25 or DB-9 connectors, and more.
Our serial data capture software has been developed and continuously improved for over 20 years. It has an intuitive user interface, detailed documentation and examples, and does not require special programming skills to get started. Download this COM port analyzer now and start monitoring the serial port within seconds!
Serial Monitor function
The serial monitor detects all installed serial ports and PnP or virtual serial devices, and displays them grouped by device class. The list will automatically update every time a serial device is inserted or removed.
The communication of each device can be monitored in real-time, and efficient and carefully optimized data processing algorithms help avoid communication delays. In fact, this makes our product the only non-invasive software serial protocol analyzer on the market today.
The product provides a universal serial data/request filtering function, allowing you to configure filters for different visualizers, create filtering schemes, and quickly apply them to different visualizer windows.
In addition, you can change the appearance of visual elements that monitor data packets in the data visualizer, including MODBUS views, request views (serial, bridging), data views, and PPP views. There is no other solution that can adjust the output as flexibly and conveniently as our product.
Our product is the only one among all serial port sniffers, which can not only monitor data in real time, but also record the received data to log files, and has the possibility of playback and analysis in the future.
With our product, you can not only copy any previously recorded fragment data on the screen, but also redirect them to the selected serial port (see "Data Relay" function). This feature is only implemented in our product.
The basic serial monitor function includes viewing and navigating serial data monitored. All data visualization tools allow the use of search functionality to easily find a given data pattern. Search can be performed throughout the entire content of the visualizer or only within the selected area.
Some visualization tools also provide advanced search functionality, including searching for text in different encodings or binary data and using regular expressions for searching.
Serial bridge is a unique feature of our product. It is used to monitor the serial connection between two different serial devices. In this mode, a computer with two serial ports and installed products is placed between two serial devices that communicate with each other.
You start monitoring the serial bridge and observing all the data packets exchanged by these devices, able to parse and analyze them in detail. You can specify different settings for two ports, including baud rate, parity, byte size, stop bit, and flow control.
Only our product provides you with truly complex graphical and statistical analysis of the data obtained during serial port monitoring. Not only can you analyze real-time data, but you can also analyze historical data stored in pre recorded log files.
You can check the following data parameters: total packets per second, total bytes per second, bytes read per second, bytes written per second, and IO packets per second. This product allows you to customize the list of data to be analyzed and specify the type and format of analysis.
Advantages of Serial Monitor
Supports high data transfer rates without affecting PC performance.
Support session data recording for future playback.
Allow you to configure the way the raw data stream is displayed.
Allow you to adjust the user interface according to your needs.
Monitor any number of serial devices simultaneously.
Allow you to save monitoring data after the session has stopped.
Serial Monitor usage scenarios
It is necessary to communicate with a PC through the RS232 port during the development of serial devices. This raises a problem that implementing data exchange protocols between devices and computers typically requires monitoring software applications for data sent to devices through serial ports. Our product is specifically designed to provide you with the most comprehensive data on all situations that occur at the computer serial port level in the most convenient way possible. Download the trial version, it is free and does not require registration.
When implementing serial communication protocols, developing applications, or hardware devices, you may need to monitor the data sent to ports and interfaces, modify this data, insert delays, or even insert new packets. This is exactly the scenario where our product is most suitable. It is the only product that allows you to simultaneously parse received data, build new data packets, send them to ports when specific events are triggered, and automate this process using scripts. Download the trial version, it is free and does not require registration.
The ability to create your own visualization programs, custom protocol parsers, built-in serial terminals, and extensive script support for all modules of the product enables you to effectively create serial devices and application simulators. You can use it as a "response part" when communicating with devices that do not understand its working algorithm, and automate these communications by processing events and responding to events in scripts. Download the trial version, it is free and does not require registration.
If you have a serial device and need to develop software applications for it, or if you have a program and need to develop devices for it, then our product can help you. In this case, typically you do not have documentation for the device or application, and you need to intercept their data, rebuild communication protocols, and individual data packets. Our product not only has a complete toolkit, but also has the means to automate this process. Download the trial version, it is free and does not require registration.
Our product provides simultaneous data tracking, data parsing (based on any given protocol), data filtering, event handling, packet construction, and automation through scripts. Since this setting can only be provided by our product, it is the only option you can use to create an inexpensive automated testing system for serial devices and applications. This is particularly important in industries that require high-quality equipment for production. Download the trial version, it is free and does not require registration.
Because our product allows you to parse and record serial data from multiple serial devices that connect to a PC or even use your local or Internet connection, it can be used as the basis for building various integrated solutions based on it. All operational algorithms have been carefully optimized to achieve maximum performance, so real-time solutions based on this product can even be used in situations where any other solution cannot provide the correct results. Download the trial version, it is free and does not require registration.
Official website:
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Backup Download:N/A
Delivery time:Manual online processing
Operating Platform:Windows
Interface language:Support English interface display.
Update Description:Depending on the version purchased, a 1-year update means that the software supports updates and upgrades within 1 year, and can continue to use the current version after 1 year. The manufacturer promises lifelong updates and upgrades.
Trial before purchase:Free trial is available before purchase.
How to receive goods:After purchase, the activation information will be sent to the email address at the time of placing the order, and the corresponding product activation code can be viewed in the personal center, My Orders.
Number of devices:Individual household users can install and activate all their devices.
Replace computer:Uninstall the original computer and activate the new computer.
Activation guidance:Open the Serial Monitor software, click on the menu bar "Help" -->; License Management -->; Installation License
Special note:To be added.
reference material:
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